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July 5, 2022

What are the Safety Precautions of True Core during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Is it safe to be doing outdoor workouts?What precautions are you taking?What if I am not sure yet?These are just some of the typical questions all gym owners are getting at the moment. And honestly, we should be! While the state of Maryland has started Phase 1 re-open, its perfectly normal to be nervous.Our current members are making the personal decision to return to outdoor workouts or keep training at home. Here are just a few steps True Core has taken to ensure the safest yet still welcoming, environment possible.1) Combination of both zoom & outdoor classes - you can try BOTH out and see which one feels most comfortable for you.2) Classes are pre-registered and capped at 9 people.3) 8 x 8 individual workout squares are outlined in our parking lot. Each space contains all needed equipment already put in each space. So you just show up, choose your space, & get your workout done!4) Each workout station contains individual hand sanitizer & disinfectant bleach spay.5) Coaches' guide warm-ups, workouts, & cool downs ensuring safe distancing while still getting amazing results.6) At the end of class all equipment is sprayed with disinfectant bleach and then let sit for 5 mins before being wiped down.We know you want to stay fit. But we know you are nervous about safety. True Core has developed the best possible fitness program regardless of COVID-19.Our scientific driven workouts, our educated coaches, our supportive community; all these things take the guess work out of it. Read about just some of our success stories, and you will see a common thread, lasting change. Not just a quick fix program that people stick with for a few months. But real long term life altering change.Not sure you want to jump into outdoor workout quite yet? No problem! Our 21 Day @Home Workout program is guaranteed to get you stronger, toner, & and healthier. Schedule your free virtual intro session today & start feeling better tomorrow!No matter what changes come, True Core will be here empowering people to lead healthier lifestyles. No matter if its a virus, crazy work schedule, or a cross country move, we have a way to help you live your best life!Coach Shannon

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