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July 5, 2022

What Do We Do With These Kids?!?!

Yesterday I wrote to you about how I am keeping as schedule, a routine, a way to keep the days from al blending together.However, I know a lot of you have children at home. I know people are struggling with finding a routine for their whole family. As well as ways to separate the days.I've been brainstorming about ways to help. Now, full disclosure I do not have any children..... So I in no way want to tell you what is best for your family or your kids. I simply tried to think outside of the box, and come up with ways to bring fun to the little humans who are struggling right now too.So step 1, separate the different days. Find ways to have Monday stand out from Thursday. One of the best ways I have found for myself, is having different set activities on certain days. So I figured, why not apply this our kids! For example....Monday:Disney Movie NightStart working your way through the various Disney classics. There are so many great "old school" Disney movies a lot of our current generation haven't seen. Not to mention Mom & Dad can remember their childhood days as wellTuesdays: Cash Wash FunSpring is here! This includes lots and lots of pollen. And while we might not be driving much these days, cars are still covered in yellow! Let your children have some fun with this chore! Making soap bubbles, spraying each other, chasing one another with wet towels. If nothing else you cars will be spotless!Wednesday: Family Board Game Night There are countless board games out there to choose from. If you have none at your house currently, respond to this email, and I will send you one through amazon. Pick something that will keep your kids attention but could be enjoyable for you too! I personally love chutes and ladders, candy land, & pictionary!Thursday: Frisbee GolfThis is a simple simple SIMPLE game! Pick a target OUTSIDE, try to hit it with a frisbee. Count how many attempts it takes each person. Then pick your next target and repeat. You can play "9 holes" or "18 holes" etc. Making this a weekly game will give your kids a little competition to look forward to each week. Not to mention getting them outside and helping their counting skills! Again if you do not have frisbee, respond to the email and I will send you one.Friday: Family Cooking Night Now my favorite food is pizza.... I simply love pizza.... I also love making homemade pizza. Also making home made pizza is not hard....Here are 27 different recipes you can try! Try a new one each week! Let the kids get their hand dirty! Then let them help clean up ;)Wow look at that! You have made it through the week! Now rinse and repeat! Repeating these activities will give your children something to expect the following day. Something for them to look forward to. Something to help break up the daily routine. Which is just as important for them as it is YOU.Here are another 87 different at home activities you can try as well!True Core is still launching our Virtual Kids Class Monday/Wednesday/Friday @11:30 -12:00. Sign your kids up here, and give them another opportunity to find structure and get active!Let us know what else your family needs. We want to help anyway we can!Coach Shannon

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