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July 5, 2022

Why should I Give My Best Effort For Today?

Expecting to perform every workout to your maximum capacity isn’t realistic. Didn’t get 8 hours of sleep, your performance will struggle. Added stress at your job or home, your performance will struggle. Went as hard as you could for a workout earlier in the week, your performance is probably going to struggle. Beating yourself down every day trying to achieve maximum capacity or to “win” each workout leads to injury, burnout, or at the very least, is a practice with diminishing returns.Instead, give your best effort for today. Intensity and effort are relative. These not only change from person to, but change each day for each person. Some days you are sore, some days you are tired, and some days you are sore and tired. These will not be PR days. These are the days that your best effort is to go a little slower, and a little lighter (check your ego and scale). Your best effort is to just make sure that you are moving well. Some days you are well rested, feeling great during warm ups and know that your best effort is to go for that PR.We are playing the long game here at True Core CrossFit. We want our efforts in the gym to enhance and prolong our lives outside of the gym, never detract. Know that each effort and each WOD will be different, but giving your best effort for that day will always yield the greatest long-term results.Have fun. I’ll see you out there.Coach Danny

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