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July 5, 2022

What is True Core Community?

As a Crosfitter, how many times when with non-Crossfit friends have you been asked, “What is so special about Crossfit?” and for me, there is one answer. The Community. Since starting Crossfit I have dropped in at multiple gyms, been to numerous events around the country, taken courses led by Crossfit HQ, and been a coach/member at two Crossfit affiliate gyms, and without a doubt the no1 reason I love it so much is the community. 

So what makes it so special? I could go on and on about what makes the True Core Community so special but I am going to break it down into 4 prime reasons. A sense of belonging, social support, a place to share common goals and interests and a time to be with an array of people from all backgrounds. 

Sense of Belonging
When you show up for a class, the WOD on the board is for everyone no matter your ability level. Yes, this means, you can scale up or down to suit your fitness level, but the workout is the same. It doesn’t matter what your body compositions, how long you’ve been working out, or how much you can deadlift. That workout is as much for you as anyone else. You belong because you showed up.

Social Support
When you complete a WOD, you do the work as an individual. But the great thing is that you have a group of people right there to help you get that last rep or to encourage you to add just five more pounds to your final set. Those people are your community. And as you develop friendships with people in this “community,” you’ll find that the support extends beyond the gym to those moments when your alarm goes off in the morning, and you’re about to hit the snooze button or when you have car troubles and remember that your friend in 9:30 class has a sibling who is a local mechanic. And then you remember that you're not alone and that your CrossFit community goes far beyond any word. 

Common Interests and Goals
A community is the result of shared interests and goals. With CrossFit, you meet a group of people that you immediately have something in common with. Everyone may show up to a workout with a different goal in mind, but you all still share a common goal. To work hard.

Only at Crossfit do you ever get to workout with a Marine on one side and a Dentist on the other, or with a Coach from Portugal and an in-house Yoga instructor from Canada. Regardless of cultural background, political view, sexual orientation or favorite NFL team True Core thrives itself on being a safe space for everyone where we are one together. A community of individuals who cheer for all, have jokes, and are there to high 5 at the end (air 5 during covid). 

As  I close this blog I am grateful for the fact that whilst writing this I found so much gratitude in everything True Core and to say with my whole heart how thankful I am for each coach, staff member, and client that we have passed through our doors. 

Stay well TC Community.

Do you want to start your fitness journey with a supportive community around you? Schedule a FREE Intro with us now!

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