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July 5, 2022

What Workout Routine is Best For Your Core Muscles on a Daily Basis?

This past weekend we told you how to get those six pack abs as fast as possible! Missed the trick? No problem click here to find out how!Today we are going to tell you....What workout routine is best for your core muscles on a daily basis!The thing about core muscles is they are the base of everything wedo with our body. Or at least they should be! Our core is our foundation, our pillar, our center. If we do not make sure to properly strengthen it, we will see a ripple effect in the rest of our body.So.....what workout routine IS BEST?!?!The bottom line, a full body FUNCTIONAL one! What does that mean?Well it means that you shouldtrainyour body as full entity. As a system rather then individual parts. When you go walk you dog, and he pulls hard after a squirrel, it doesn't justyank your arm.The tension flows into your shoulder girdle, down your torso, into your legs and eventually causes your feel to fall forward.Full body response. This is how we normally exist. This is how we should train. Core isolating movements (sit-ups, crunches, leg lifts, etc)have their place in ab strengthening. But they by NO MEANS should be your major workout style. By focusing on a workout routine that mimics daily movements (squats, deadlifts, pressing, pulling) you in turn are training your core too. The core MUST become stronger for these movements to improve. The core stabilizes everything else. Therefore the more functional you training the better your abdominals will be.This is why you see so many CrossFitters with amazing abs. Its not because they sit around doing 1000 crunches every day. But is BECAUSE almost all movements in CrossFit place high demand on the core. Thus developing thatgorgeous six packs we are all after.See you in the gym!

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