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July 5, 2022

What is the Vivid Vision of True Core?

2020 helped us take a good look at ourselves as a business & a community. We discovered some things we liked and some things we didn’t. Somethings we wanted to change, and something we wanted to hold tighter too. 

As a result, we stepped back and thought about how we wanted every aspect of True Core to be.  What type of values do we want to live by? What type of leadership do we want to instill in our employees? What kind of message should be communicated through our social media? 

This lead us to produce our "Vivid Vision." A document that outlines each avenue and dream of True Core.  How EXACTLY we want each piece of our brand to function. Realizing nothing happens overnight our Vivid Vision is our plan for the next 3 years. Every decision we make, every class we coach, every employee that is hired, it will be our guiding compass. 

We wanted to give each of you a copy of our vision. So you can see for yourselves exactly what True Core is all about, and where we plan to go. It is our commitment to you. It is our way to stay accountable and transparent. 

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback.  If you have ideas on how we could things better would love to know! 

We are so grateful to be on this journey with each of you, and be able to share our own dreams with the True Core Crew 

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