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July 5, 2022

Why Consistency is More Important than Perfection?

I want to share a personal story about one of the greatest lessons I've ever learned....Consistency > Perfection A close family friend of mine (pretty muchmy second father) is 72 years old.Hehas spent his life in the backwoods of Maine, raising 4kids on a fireman's salary.When Barry retired, he planned to start a home business as a mechanic. His wife and him spentyears designing their retirement house. Even outfitting it with a 3 car garage to support Barry's dream.However, due to health issues Barry's hands were left unusable.Here is a man who spent 25+ years serving others. His family, his community, andeven his country during the Vietnam War. And now when it is his turn to enjoy life, a massive curve ball was thrown his way.The one thing I can always count on Barry for is consistency. Consistency in his values. Consistency in his work ethic. Consistency in selfless nature.This past summer Barry and I got into one of our deep life reflecting conversations. I asked him "how did you make it through that? Everything you had spent years planning for vanished! Didn't that devastate you?"He simply looked at me and said "Shannon, I want to be remembered for who I was, the kind of human I lived as, not simply for the oil I changed in a car."I was speechless, &pretty emotional honestly....You see no one on this planet is perfect. No one can REALLY ever live the perfect life. I havewitnessed Barry raise his voice, I have witnessed Barry experience disappointment, I might have even seen him eat his fair share of deserts when the doctor advised against it....But I have also witness that man be one of the most consistent dependable individuals I have ever met.So is your weight loss journeyperfect? Probably not. Could your WOD time befaster? Possibly. But do you consistency show up? Do you put effort in? Are you consistently measuring your progress? Then you my friendare wining!Consistent, imperfect action is the recipe for success: in relationships, in business and in fitness.Coach Shannon

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