Why are Amino Acids Important?Amino acids or aminos, play an extremely vital role in nutrition, exercise, and overall health.GeneralWho is Christy Asonglefac?I joined Crossfit in 2017 and have been hooked ever since.GeneralWhen did “Fruits and Vegetables” become 1 word?Fruits and vegetables seems to have become one word when it comes to giving advice on a healthy diet.GeneralWho is Bella Logan?I have been a part of the True Core family since day one.GeneralWhich is Better, Squat or Deadlift?Which lower body movement is “King of the Lifts”?The squat and deadlift are the two staple movements of a lower body training program.GeneralWhen Does CrossFit Games Open?February is here, and that can only mean one thing: the Open is just around the corner!GeneralprevNext