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July 5, 2022

The Pros and Cons of Home Workout

There's no doubt that technology has made our lives easier. With just a few clicks of a mouse, we can order food, clothes, and pretty much anything else we need without ever having to leave the comfort of our home. But one area where the technology may not be as helpful is when it comes to working out. While there are some significant advantages to working out at home, there are also some drawbacks you should keep in mind before deciding whether or not this option is right for you. 

Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, most people have at some point have tried a home workout program in the last 2 years. Home workouts can be more convenient because they eliminate the hassle of driving to a gym, dealing with traffic and commute time, working out with a mask, etc. Many people enrolled in online workout sessions, youtube videos, or even had one-on-one zoom meetings with a personal trainer.

Home workouts can be a great way to save on time and control your environment, but it’s important to be realistic about what you can accomplish on your own.  Although home workouts have their benefits, there are also disadvantages. One most prominent problem is that oftentimes people are not disciplined enough to stick with it. Other drawbacks to consider are not having someone around to help correct your form or encourage you harder when you’re struggling. When you don’t have a coach, an accountability partner, or someone you know to expect you, it is easier for you to skip a workout or ten. Thus, making you less likely to reach your fitness goals.

Many home environment factors can easily act as a distraction from making the time for your workout.  It's very easy to keep putting off that home sweat session when things such as your phone, household chores, kids, etc. keep calling your name.

On the flip side - working out as part of a gym community can greatly increase one’s likelihood of long term success. Having a community with the same mindset and goals as you, supporting you along the way can have a huge positive impact. The guidance, form correction, & accountability that comes from working with a coach in person is guaranteed to help speed along one’s progress. 

While it may be more convenient to work out in the comfort of your own home, make sure to consider all of the pros and cons beforehand.  Everyone is looking for long term success & sustainability when it comes to health & fitness. Which way will work best for you, personally?

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