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July 5, 2022

Reaching My Full Potential with the 63 Day Transformation Program- Alexis Fabbri

woman lifting barbell

It's easy to get stuck in a rut. You know, the one where you're just going through the motions every day and feeling like life is passing you by, maybe it's time for a change.

Alexis Fabbri has been with True Core for over a year, beginning when she felt complacent and stuck in a rut. After meeting with Coach Shannon she decided to try out True Core's new 63 Day Transformation program. Her one-year experience with True Core has helped her with her workouts and her food choices when it comes to nutrition. But she wanted to “level up” her progress and really take a deep dive into improving her life as a whole - body, mind, and spirit.

With the 63 Day Transformation Alexis took a step back at her life as a whole and was really examining it.  The support of knowing that there is someone who will look over everything - sleep, stress, nutrition, mindset, PLU fitness and was highly beneficial. It was different from what she'd done before because she felt the support; she connected it well. Alexis was surprised to discover that True Core also excels at emotional coaching.  She had some very large life events go on that brought out a real stressful time, and True Core helps her get around those things and combat them.

One of the biggest ones Alexis struggled with for a very long time is sleep, but now she’s not taking sleep meds anymore at all, and that was a massive change for her because it was difficult for Alexis before. Also, she built a habit of walking or running every morning, and it has become part of her daily routine now.

It's been challenging for Alexis for the past six weeks, but she believes that it would have derailed her significantly if she hadn't been doing it. She could have quickly gone in the opposite direction and stayed in her bed the entire time, upset. Alexis is now fine-tuning and taking it to the next level in terms of performance. Alexis wondered what the next goal was to meet because otherwise, it gets boring, and there's nothing else to do. The performance improvement was another thing because she wanted to see that kick-off. After all, for her, you're just kind of plugging away with nothing to compete for to look at, and this completely changed Alexis' mindset, and she now believes that these are the things we should strive for every day.

Just because you're not happy with where your life is currently doesn't mean that it's too late to change it. You just have to start small and work your way up from there!

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