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October 12, 2022

Meg Brennan: Building Confidence with True Core

We've all been there. We are working on something and suddenly we feel lost and we can't focus anymore. We don't know what to do next and we start feeling overwhelmed. This was Meg’s problem before joining True Core. Meg was a professional dancer and used to be really in tune with her body and understood the musculature and movement, but then she kind of lost that connection after having her daughter. Meg was also lost in terms of nutrition and on how to get stronger. 

It can be overwhelming when we fall off and lose track of our healthy lifestyle; and that is what Meg felt. She was overwhelmed by how she knew she should start again but struggled to go to the gym on her own. She even tried to come up with her own workouts. She felt confused and frustrated and she felt like she was not getting anywhere. 

It was life-changing when Meg started her fitness journey with True Core. She started to have a good relationship with food, she has a support system, and Meg learned to not be so hard on herself anymore. She realized that it was okay to come in and have days that didn't go very well and to be proud of all progress that she had made. Meg also started to believe that it's okay to not be perfect and that showing up is the hardest part. Everyone is on their own path so she embraces that. Progress, not perfection. Meg felt the good and fun atmosphere at True Core. She felt supported, motivated, that the environment is open to all and that learning is empowering. One thing that True Core really helped Meg with, is building her confidence again. She’s much stronger now, gained upper body strength, loves the sweat when working out, and just feeling more capable overall. 

We know how tough it can be to start over, but with a little bit of guidance and support, anything is possible.

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