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February 10, 2023

Kim Haine’s Testimonial Blog: Becoming Fit with True Core

Have you ever felt desperate to lose weight? Did it feel too challenging, like nothing was working consistently? We have all been there; looking in the mirror and realizing it is time to make a change. But now that you have decided to improve your health and fitness levels, where should you start? Any lifestyle changes can feel overwhelming.

Kim Haines ran into the same problem before joining True Core. She felt desperate to lose the weight, some of which she gained from having COVID and going through back surgery. Kim tried to change it on her own, but she felt unsatisfied and had a lack of accountability. Joining True Core gave her a community to hold her accountable and push her to reach her health and fitness goals.

Becoming a part of the True Core community is exactly what Kim needed to change her life. Kim’s self confidence has increased, even though she was terrified of coming to class at first. She has grown to love showing up to each class. She feels a lot stronger now. Kim also loves how the coaches at True Core scale and modify workouts to fit her physical capabilities, as she has asthma and back issues. Having great coaches to guide and monitor her to ensure she is getting things done for her health in the correct way to avoid getting hurt has been paramount. Kim truly feels supported at True Core.

Truth be told, it was scary for Kim at first, especially being someone who had never tried CrossFit before. However, Kim will be the first to tell you that you should just jump into it with that fear. Because once you start, you will learn and begin to improve yourself. And you will feel great!

No one wants to feel bad about themselves. If you are desperate to feel better and to lose weight, just know that you don’t have to face these challenges alone. It is normal to feel overwhelmed and struggle to break out of negative cycles. While the journey may be long and challenging, True Core can help put you on the right path to achieve your goals. And Kim will tell you that being healthy is worth it.

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