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September 17, 2022

How To Have A Calm Centered Morning

Mornings can be rough, especially if you are not a morning person and have kids who have to get up and out of the house for school! Some people struggle with getting out of bed, while others may hop right out of bed but are rushed to get out the door in a timely manner. How you start your day can set the tone for the rest of it. If you want to decrease the morning chaos and increase a feeling of calm, try implementing some or the below tips into your morning routine.

  • Ready the clothes the night before. Take a few minutes to get your clothes laid out. This will help you avoid rushing around in the morning and feeling stressed out. It will also help you have to make one less decision first thing. Aiding to more mental clarity and decreased decision fatigue.

  • Put yourself FIRST first thing. Do positive things for yourself in the first 15- 30 minutes of your day, meditation, journaling, breathwork or simply enjoying the taste of your coffee one sip at a time. Try not to grab your phone immediately. Take some time to sit and check in with yourself.

  • Get enough sleep. We know this is no-brainer, yet so many of us are suffering from chronic sleep deprivation. If you are not getting 8 hr/night try reminding yourself to get to bed 5 mins earlier every few days.  If you set a bedtime alarm, and move it up by 5 mins every 3-4 days before you know it, you will be adding a substantial amount of extra sleep to your night!

  • Plan your meals, especially breakfast. Planning your meals can help make your mornings less hectic and not feel as overwhelming. By taking a few minutes each night to plan your breakfasts, you can wake up knowing exactly what you need to do to have a healthy and satisfying meal. When you have a plan and know what you’re going to eat, you can avoid those last-minute decisions that often lead to unhealthy choices. Not only will this help keep your diet on track, but it will also give you the energy you need to be productive throughout the day. Here is a hot tip, do this for each meal the night before  you will be amazed how much EASIER your day feels! 

A centered, calm, productive morning is key to having a good day. It might take a bit of practice to get used to, but soon enough, you will find that waking up early and taking some time for yourself makes all the difference. If you follow these tips, you will likely find that your mornings are much smoother and less stressful.

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