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July 5, 2022

Happy Birthday True Core! What are the Lessons We Have Learned in the Last 6 Years?

December 10th, 2014 - The day we took a leap, signed a lease, said goodbye to job security all in order to embark on what can only be described as a dream. 

Over the last 6 years we have learned countless lessons about coaching, business management, metcon timing, but most importantly we have learned about people.

Watching the True Core Crew grow and development over the last 6 years has been an honor. 

2020 is actually the perfect analogy for that we have learned since our doors opened. The craziness of COVID has made us reflec on exactly why we do what we do, and revealed some valuable lessons. 

1) Always Respect the Individual 
Running a business, managing COVID restrictions, staying true to our "Help First" moto, all constantly remind us that every person we interact with is their own individual. A person worthy and deserving of respect. You never know the hardships a person might be facing in their life. You never know what struggles they are brining into the gym with them. As a result, ALWAYS remember we are all human -- all just trying to do the best that we can. 

2) Take Pride in All You Do 
The way we serve our community is a direct reflection of our values & identity. Whether we are washing the floor, coaching a nutrition challenge, holding a baby so mama can workout, all these different actions are done with one purpose in mind: make this the best experience possible for this member.  Our goal from the second you walk into our doors to when you leave, is for you to have the best hour of your day.  This can only be accomplished on our end when we believe in what we do. When we identify and relate to it. When we feel pride in being a part of this amazing community. 

3)Deliver What You Promise
We believe trust is one of the most essential qualities an individual or business should possess.  The impact that trust, or the breaking of it, can have on a person's life is monumental.  We believe you are only as good as word. Good intentions are great but is the action behind them that shows a businesses'/ person's true colors. 

4) Seek Out The Good In Each Day
The daily grind gets challenging....... The Monday to Friday routine..... Or the chaos of COVID....Or even just the punch in the gut that some WODs bring us. But in reality, there is so much good in every day.  The ability to see the sunshine. The capability to workout.  The friendship and families that surround us.  When we center ourselves in gratitude all of those "hardships" start to lose their impact. We end up inspired rather then beat down. 

5) Passionately Chase Self-Improvement 
We are never looking for perfection. The belief that one can actually obtain it, can drive a person insane. However, we strive for constant improvement. The only way to continue to move forward as individuals, co-workers, friends, & business owners is to prioritize our own self-improvement.  Reflecting on our "areas for growth" and determining the best course forward. When honest reflection and action are taken, its amazing what opportunities reveal themselves. 

The last 6 years of been full of revelation.  Full of growth.  Full of eye-opening experiences.  The over 1300+ people we have come in contact with, have each taught us a unique lesson.

To watch babies, learn how to walk in our facility, to help a member overcome depression, to witness the life changing confidence gained from that first pull-up, all are our driving force.  They keep us looking forward to seeing how we can serve each member better. 

So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being on this journey with us. Thank you for letting us be a part of your lives.  Thank you for teaching us countless lessons about what really matters.  Thank you for being part of the True Core Crew. 

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