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March 30, 2023

Group Class Member To Mentorship Rockstar

Meet Sara Gibb, a dedicated member of True Core's community. Sara had been doing CrossFit for nine years before deciding to join True Core's mentorship. 

Even though she had been working out for so long, Sara had reached a point where she felt stuck. Sara knew she was getting close to her goals but wasn’t “quite” where she wanted to be. Sara wanted to get her first pull-up! She also wanted to enjoy running more. Instead of “dragging” herself through each run, Sara wanted to feel more energized and comfortable. 

As a mom of three teenagers, Sara knew she needed to care for herself in order to be the best mom for her kids. The fast pace of daily life had swept her up - and Sara was ready to take control back! 

She was a little fearful about changing things up - after being used to the group class structure for so long. But Sara knew the accountability of the mentorship was exactly what she needed! Sara was fearful of failing, but the guaranteed program of support & simple structure meant she had nothing to lose!

Sara loved going through the program! One thing she was most interested in learning was new nutrition information. She knew a lot about it already, but Sara found there was more to learn and better techniques to use!

She also started sleeping substantially better than before. The routine she put into place during the 9 week mentorship helped her decompress and relax before bed - allowing her some solid hours of zzzz!  

Sara’s mindset has greatly improved as well! She no longer beats herself up after “bad days'' or a challenging week. Instead she has learned to incorporate the “progress over perfection” mentally Coach Aline talks so much about. 

As a mom of three teenagers, Sara's improved lifestyle has become her “oxygen mask.” Learning the mentorship self-care principles has allowed Sara to be energized, organized, and healthy enough to tackle the chaos of her kids!  

Oh also Sara not only lost 13 pounds along the way, but she finally got her FIRST PULL-UP EVER!! Amazing work Sara!! You are the perfect example of what any mom is capable of with just a little added support and accountability! 

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