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July 5, 2022

Gaining Focus with True Core | Liz Paulson Success Story

It becomes increasingly important to focus on our fitness and mobility as we get older. Unfortunately, this can be difficult to do when juggling work, family, and other obligations. 

Liz Paulson was looking to focus more on her fitness and mobility when she had her retirement. For her, a walk around the block wasn't going to cut it, and she missed the social connection. She tried working out at home and walking but ended up being a fair-weather walker.  She wanted more engagement with people and a challenge to stretch her capabilities. That’s when she found True Core and became part of them.

Going to True Core is an excellent solution for Liz as the coaches, and members give her support, advice, and fun to work out with. This time, it was a different journey as she was looking for more engagement and social connection. The ability to scale each workout gives Liz a path to her fitness on her own comfort level. Though, she does burpees her way, but with a guide. Being part of True Core changes some aspects of Liz’s life. She earned the confidence to walk into the gym, the confidence to admit that she has no idea what the coach just said, and made a new plan that includes being in the gym regularly each week. Liz was also excited about the changes in her mindset and overall fitness and mobility.  But the most important thing is that she can enjoy the process and look forward to seeing what she can accomplish. 

It's no secret that people like challenges. They get us out of our comfort zone, force us to think differently, and sometimes help us grow in ways we never thought possible. Whether you’re working to tone up, lose weight, or just get more active, it’s important to enjoy the process of your fitness journey. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Instead, celebrate every small victory along the way, and take your time as you work towards your ultimate goal. Fitness should be something that makes you feel good; it should be fun and rewarding, not just another item on your to-do list. Eventually, you’ll get to your goals if you stay focused and committed, but enjoying the process will make it all worthwhile.

Interested in learning more about our programs? Book a free 5 min call to see if it might be the right fit for you!

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