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July 5, 2022

Finding Balance with True Core: Suzette Langley’s Success Story

Balance. We all strive for it in our lives, but it's not always easy to achieve.  Juggling family responsibilities, social events, a job, and personal time — it seems like there's never enough time to do everything we want to do.

Suzette Langley had this exact problem. Before joining True Core she was feeling stuck in a rut; she didn't feel challenged, and due to the pandemic she was coming up with own workouts and figuring out where to fit them in. Susan was so frustrated as she attempted to do it independently that it became overwhelming. The lack of separation between her work and her home life started to take a toll. She found herself on a computer screen for 10 hours a day. She has a catastrophic mindset that the world would stop spinning if she walked away from the screen.

Suzette noticed that as she became a member of True Core, she felt a sense of accountability, which helped her stay focused. She also was finally free from having to plan all her own workouts independently. She started to look at her activities and schedule ahead of time to help herself mentally prepare and understand what was coming next.

Suzette likes the variety of her workouts with True Core. Even though they are challenging, they have made her feel stronger. Suzette is seeing her arms getting more defined again, and her belly is flattening. It hasn't just been a physical change Suzette has had, but also her mindset. Journaling has also helped her feel better, perform better, and think clearer. Suzette has noticed she has been more grateful and “nicer” as a result of it.

Suzette has also noticed some other important changes in herself. She isn't as anxious as before, and she isn't as quick to get upset. She's happier, she's able to focus even during the COVID surge, she's reconnected with some friends, and she's improved her interactions with her husband. 

Being part of True Core has been life-changing for Suzette. She especially likes that True Core adapts to wherever the person is with their health and fitness and puts her in a place where she is more challenged and becomes better. This is our main goal at True Core, meet everyone precisely where they're at and help them get to where they want to be.

Interested in learning more about our Transformation program? Book a free 5 min call to see if it might be the right fit for you!

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