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July 5, 2022

Cindy Radulovich’s Success Story: Getting to the Best Version of Yourself

Cindy Radulovich’s

Most women want to feel good about themselves. They often want to feel appreciated by the people around them. But most of the time, it doesn't happen how they want it to be. No matter what status you’re in, society usually keeps judging people by how they look.

Cindy Radulovich is a brave woman who doesn’t give much criticism about herself. She accepts her imperfections, and she’s not trying to be someone else that she’s not. She feels good about the way she is. However, though she has a positive attitude towards herself, she came across as realizing the negative thing about her.

Before joining the True core, Cindy felt like she was a slug. She noticed that she wasn’t too capable of doing physical stuff when working. She knows she needs to get stuff done, but she doesn’t have the mental or physical energy to do it. Later on, this problem became her main frustration.

When Cindy became part of the True Core family, she learned how to challenge herself. Every workout has been hard for her. Nonetheless, these improved her mental and physical aspects. After some time, she noticed the changes herself. She progressed with things like doing squats and proper depth. And the deal is, she can keep on doing it without thinking of hating it. She lost some weight over time. Her husband praises her for the changes that happened in her body, and the clothes she has fit better on her. These things gave her the reason to believe in her capabilities and gain more confidence in herself.

As Cindy keeps up with the True Core program, she finds it hard to be consistent with everything. Being accountable is the hardest thing for a lot of people, and she doesn’t deny that she is one of them. But True Core played that role for her and made it easy for her to keep up with the program. She had someone looking at everything she was doing and how she was doing them. True Core taught her how to do things the right way, so she doesn’t injure herself. Every day is a challenge for her. But the people in the gym wanting to see her is one of her greatest motivations to keep going.

Cindy advises people to believe in themselves, and joining the True Core is an opportunity to gradually increase one’s confidence. What have you got to lose? Weight negativity. At True Core, no one will judge you because of how you look. Because everyone here is a family. Everyone strives and supports one another to achieve their goals in life.

Women want to feel good about themselves and want to look good in front of other people. Probably not all, but most do. Whatever change it may be that you want to do to improve yourself, still, remember to never compare yourself to others. Love yourself more, and take better care of yourself.

You are the best, and improving yourself is getting to the best version of yourself!

Interested in learning more about our Transformation program? Book a free 5 min call to see if it might be the right fit for you!

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